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USA Weightlifting Level 2 Coach Course

Course Description

In this course, participants will delve deeper into topics covered in the Level 1 course, as well as learn about essentials such as competition preparation, proper nutrition and mental training for weightlifters. Over the course of two days, expert USAW coaches will cover advanced strength and power development principles, scientifically based program design, national competition preparation and coaching strategies, as well as long-term development of weightlifters. Participants will have a chance to discuss how to approach programming through examples of training systems and real-world plans for the development of weightlifters and other athletes


Course Materials:
Extensive course manual with videos of all exercise progressions and sample weightlifting programming.


To enroll in this course, participants must have obtained the USA Weightlifting Level 1 certification, be over the age of 17, and be a current member of USAW.



This course has a total of 13 contact hours and is eligible for CEUs and CECs through a variety of professional organizations.


Fee: $545.00


Course Instructor: Cara Heads Slaughter


*Courses are sanctioned and administered through USA Weightlifting.

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