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COVID-19 Update

Due to the increasing number of confirmed COVID cases in our region and recently updated guidance from the Virginia Governor’s office, we are doubling our efforts to ensure our facility remains a safe place for our members to train.

The health, safety and well-being of our members remains our top priority. To that end, we remind you of our existing guidelines and want to inform you of additional measures we intend to implement effective immediately.

  • Please be sure to adhere to our current guidelines:

  • DO NOT come to the gym if you are experiencing any symptoms related to the flu or COVID-19

  • No-contact temperature checks will be implemented upon arrival

  • All athletes and coaches are required to wear a mask AT ALL TIMES unless training on their designated platform

  • Always maintain physical distancing (6 feet apart) in the gym

  • Use hand sanitizer prior to and following training

  • Avoid bringing your hands to your face at any time while training

Requirement for masks and physical distancing will be strictly monitored.

To promote healthy air flow and ventilation, we will be keeping the rolling steel doors partially open and utilize our fans to maximize air flow and ventilation. The facility will have heaters on as the temperatures drop, but we encourage all members to dress with layers of athletic clothing you can comfortably move in.

In addition to our cleaning and disinfecting practices on common surfaces and barbells, we will use an electrostatic disinfecting sprayer to ensure complete disinfecting coverage on all surfaces and equipment.

We sincerely thank you for adhering to the guidelines and for helping to keep our facility a safe environment.



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